Who are the Judges to hear DUI or DWI cases in Fairfax City Courts?

The General District Court in Fairfax City is related to the Fairfax County Courts.   The Fairfax City Court will hear misdemeanor cases twice a week at City Hall on Armstrong Street, just a few blocks from George Mason University.

The same Judges who sit full-time in Fairfax County will be in the City of Fairfax on an alternating basis on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings.   Usually, one of the 11 Fairfax Judges will spend a month sitting in the City on Tuesday and Thursday, while the same Judge will visit the Town of Vienna on Monday and the Town of Herndon on Wednesday.   

Misdemeanor Cases in the City and Town Courts are prosecuted by the City Attorney or Town Attorney, rather than the elected Commonwealth's Attorney from Fairfax County.    All Felony cases are heard in Fairfax County Courts and prosecuted by the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for Fairfax County.

In General, these Town and City Courts will only hear cases from the Town or City Police, while cases from the Virginia State Police or other agencies will tend to go to the main courthouse in Fairfax County.