- This is the complete Virginia District Court Benchbook, an invaluable resource designed to give Judges and Attorneys a "quick" look at many aspects of Virginia law as applied in our Courthouses. This is used designed for use in both the General District Court and the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. - This is the Virginia District Court Benchbook, an invaluable resource designed to give Judges and Attorneys a "quick" look at many aspects of Virginia law.
- How to Request Your Alabama Driving Record
- How to Request Your California Driving Record
- Washington Post Story about Mandatory Interlock in Virginia - This Story, Quoting DUI Attorney Paul McGlone, questions the value of Virginia's new Mandatory Interlock Law
- This order from a Court in Daytona has an excellent discussion of the use of "dishonesty" as an investigative tool by Police Officers in America.
- This Interim Report from NHTSA offers lots of data about DWI Refusal trends around the Country. - DWI Refusal Charges in Virginia are on the Rise, according to Fairfax Virginia DUI Lawyer Paul LIam McGlone
- Fairfax County Chief of Police's Report to the Community - Findings and Recommendations Concerning the Unintentional Police Shooting of Salvatore J. Culosi
- Mall Cops -- The Real Story, Here in Fairfax County
- This Citizen Did Not Want to Serve on a Montana Jury - Humorous response to jury duty summons
- History of Virginia State Police - History of Virginia State Police. Paul McGlone is an attorney in Fairfax County, Virginia, and may be reached at 703-273-2750 or toll-free at 888-273-2750. He handles DWI, DUI, Reckless Driving, Traffic, Marijuana, and Criminal Cases.
- Photograph of George Washington's Will - Our Fairfax County Courthouse has possession of the Wills of George and Martha Washington. The Court's website contains a letter from John T. Frey, Clerk of the Fairfax County Circuit Court, which provides some history regarding these treasures, as well as photos and transcripts of both wills. This file is a photograph of George Washington's will.
- Photograph of Martha Washington's Will - Our Fairfax County Courthouse has possession of the Wills of George and Martha Washington. The Court's website contains a letter from John T. Frey, Clerk of the Fairfax County Circuit Court, which provides some history regarding these treasures, as well as photos and transcripts of both wills. This file is a photograph of Martha Washington's will.
- Transcript of Martha Washington's Will - Our Fairfax County Courthouse has possession of the Wills of George and Martha Washington. The Court's website contains a letter from John T. Frey, Clerk of the Fairfax County Circuit Court, which provides some history regarding these treasures, as well as photos and transcripts of both wills. This file is a transcript of Martha Washington's will.
- Transcript of George Washington's Will - Our Fairfax County Courthouse has possession of the Wills of George and Martha Washington. The Court's website contains a letter from John T. Frey, Clerk of the Fairfax County Circuit Court, which provides some history regarding these treasures, as well as photos and transcripts of both wills. Here is a transcript of George Washington's will.
- Virginia House Bill 856. An overwhelming majority in the Virginia General Assembly voted at the beginning of the month to increase the maximum speed limit from 65 to 70 MPH on certain freeways. See the News Section for an article detailing this increase. - Virginia Increases Maximum Speed Limit from 65 mph to 70 mph.
- Clarence Darrow Race Trial - These two speeches by Clarence Darrow are regarded as an early landmark in the American Civil Rights Movement. Lesser known than later events, Darrow's defense of these men reflected his instinctive belief that, quite simply, "All Men are Created Equal".