We have often seen how police officers who write the most DUI cases will eventually prove to be cheating and violating the rights of the clients who have very little ability to protect themselves.
This seems to happen about once a year somewhere in the Country. If an officer or Trooper can make a DUI arrest every time they go out on patrol, then I begin to suspect that they will be bending the rules.
Some officers will push the envelope on our 4th Amendment rights, while others will begin to outright lie about material facts. Once they smell alcohol, they become Uber-focused on the driver as a "DUI Suspect" and all too often, the driver is considered "GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT".
This recent article is about a North Carolina State Trooper who had 180 DUI cases dismissed. That is a lot of cases. That is like making one DUI arrest every day for a month-- 7 days a week!
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