- How Does the New Fairfax County DUI Arraignment Schedule Work?
- How Does the Ignition Interlock Work in Northern Virginia if I am Convicted of a DWI in Fairfax County?
- More questions about Ignition Interlock in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia in General: Where is your SmartStart dealer? Merrifield? Do you know where their other Northern Virginia locations are? Were you able to get it installed right away? Did you have to go to ASAP and they scheduled the appointment, or could you just call smart start once you had the Court order?
- I've been hearing a lot about a program called DADSS - what is it?
- Can I beat a show cause summons due to a clerical error? I was convicted of a second DUI and sentenced to 180 days of jail with 160 suspended, and the 20 days being mandatory. I decided to pull my time on weekends, and when I registered for jail, the captain told me that I'd be pulling 10 days, because it was a misdemeanor it was explained to me that I'd be pulling day for a day. I fulfilled my 10 days and have now been issued a show cause as to why i didn't pull the remaining 10. After contacting the jail, i've found out that the court did not put MANDATORY on the order for the jail. Do i have a case for dismissal because of this error on the court's part?
- I was recently convicted of a DUI in Virginia and received a restricted drivers license. I have to show proof of FR44 insurance. My current policy is within the limits of the FR44 guidelines. Can I bring my policy into the DMV and will that be sufficient, or does it have to come from my insurance carrier? I really would hate to contact them if I do not have to, for the obvious reason of raised rates.
- My sister got arrested for a DUI and accidentally gave them the wrong drivers license. What can she do?
- I have one pending DUI in Virginia and am a resident of Virginia. I just received a DUI in West Virginia. When will Virginia authorities find out about my West Virginia DUI? I am concerned because I report to pre-trial services once a week in Virginia.
- Why am I receiving a letter from my ASAP probation officer if it's been almost 2 years since my conviction? I received a 2nd DUI almost 2 years ago. I lost my Liscense for 3 years and I was ordered to do ASAP and additional counseling. I completed all the requirements and finished everything just fine. I have now received a letter from my ASAP probation officer stating that I have to come in for a monitoring meeting. Now if my probation was only a year then why am I being asked to go see her? Another problem is I received a driving on revoked 3 weeks ago in a town about 3 hours from where i live. Can I be violated and am I still on probation if I'm being called into her office?? Help please - I'm worried and scared as I thought I was only on probation for a year.
- I was charged with a DUI with a BAC of .15. There was no accident, no children in the car, and it is my first offense. I live in Loudoun County, Virginia. Is it possible to get my charge reduced to a .14 to avoid going to jail for the mandatory 5 days?
- First DWI with child - can I avoid charges? I got arrested for DWI in Loudoun VA, and I had my child in the car. It is the first time this ever happened to me. I had 2 beers 2 hours prior to arrest, and my BAC was 0.11. I want to have all charges dropped - how should I proceed?
- How will a DUI, DWI Conviction in Fairfax County (Northern VIrginia) Affect My Security Clearance?
- Does the officer have to read me my rights before questioning me if I'm pulled over for DUI ?
- Do I have to post bail after being arrested for DUI?
- Can I be charged with drunk in public or an an open container for drinking with friends on my deck or my front porch?
- Will my boss find out about my DUI conviction?
- If I'm stopped for DUI/DWI, am I allowed to talk to a lawyer before taking a breath test?
- If my BAC is under .08, can I still be charged with DUI?
- Could asthma or other respiratory problems affect the results of a breath test?
- Can acid reflux or other gastrointestinal issues affect a breath test?
- What is Leandra 's Law?
- What is an ignition interlock device?
- If I have a suspended license because of a DUI conviction, am I allowed to drive to work or church?
- I have heard that drinking alcohol in front of cops during a traffic stop might be a good defense for a DWI. What if I keep a bottle in my car and then drink some after I pull out my keys? Will that help prevent a DWI conviction in Fairfax County, Virginia?
- Is the punishment more severe for higher BAC levels in Fairfax County?
- In Fairfax County, are passengers in a vehicle allowed to drink alcohol? ("Drinking and Riding")
- What is the difference between a DUI and a DWI charge , or are they really the same thing?
- If I've been drinking, will a breath mint or minty gum hide the odor of alcohol on my breath?
- If an officer arrests me for DUI or DWI, is he required to read me my Miranda rights?
- If I'm arrested for DUI in Fairfax County, do I have to spend the night in jail?
- Sometimes when I go out I drink more than I intend to. Is there an organization in Fairfax County that I can call for a ride home from the bar or restaurant?
- What does BAC stand for?
- What if the officer doesnt show up for Court for my DUI/DWI, Traffic or Misdemeanor Case in Fairfax County? It will be dismissed, right?
- I got a DUI in Fairfax County. How do I get my driver's license back from the Court? They said I would receive it in the mail in 2-3 weeks, but it has been longer than that and I still haven't received it.
- Who are the Judges to hear DUI or DWI cases in Fairfax City Courts?
- What are the typical penalties for First time DWI/DUI offenses in Fairfax County?