- How do Fairfax County or Virginia State Police Clock my Speed for Speeding or Reckless Driving Charges?
- How Do I File for Restoration of my Driving Privileges After Being Declared a Habitual Offender?
- What is the law on texting While Driving in Virginia and What Does it Really Mean?
- What are Penalties for a 2nd Offense DUI in Fairfax Virginia?
- Can You Recommend a Good Hotel Near the Fairfax County Courts?
- What is the Virginia Proof of Financial Responsibility Requirement for a DWI conviction. SR22? FR44? I was recently convicted of a DUI in Fairfax County,Virginia. I received a restricted drivers license. I have to show proof of FR44 Insurance. If current policy is within the limits of the FR44 guidelines. Can I bring my policy into the DMV and will that be sufficient or does it have to come from my insurance carrier. I really would hate to contact them if I do not have to, for the obvious reason of raised rates.
- If I'm stopped for running a red light or a similar minor traffic offense, and the officer asks to search my car (or even myself), should I let him?
- Why were Paul and Sharon McGlone nominated for a "Black Belt in Baseball"?
- What is the story with the big Mickey Mouse poster in the waiting area of your office?
- Can I have my Case Records Expunged now that I have had a Misdemeanor Dismissed in Fairfax County Courts?